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Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Earnings
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Description of Business
Significant Accounting Policies
Significant New Business
Divestitures, Held-For-Sale Businesses and Discontinued Operations
Derivatives and Hedging Instruments
Reinsurance Balances Recoverable on Paid and Unpaid Losses
Deferred Charge Assets
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses
Defendant Asbestos and Environmental Liabilities
Fair Value Measurements
Premiums Written and Earned
Goodwill and Intangible Assets
Debt Obligations and Credit Facilities
Noncontrolling Interest
Share Capital
Earnings Per Share
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions
Income Taxation
Related Party Transactions
Dividend Restrictions and Statutory Financial Information
Commitments and Contingencies
Segment Information
Unaudited Condensed Quarterly Financial Data
Schedule I - Summary of Investments Other Than Investments in Related Parties
Schedule II - Condensed Financial Statements
Schedule III - Supplementary Insurance Information
Schedule IV - Reinsurance
Schedule V - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
Schedule VI - Supplementary Information Concerning Property/Casualty Insurance Operations
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Acquisitions (Tables)
Investments (Tables)
Derivatives and Hedging Instruments (Tables)
Reinsurance Balances Recoverable on Paid and Unpaid Losses (Tables)
Deferred Charge Assets (Tables)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses (Tables)
Defendant Asbestos and Environmental Liabilities (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Premiums Written and Earned (Tables)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets (Tables)
Debt Obligations and Credit Facilities (Tables)
Noncontrolling Interest (Tables)
Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions (Tables)
Income Taxation (Tables)
Related Party Transactions (Tables)
Dividend Restrictions and Statutory Financial Information (Tables)
Commitments and Contingencies (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Unaudited Condensed Quarterly Financial Data (Tables)
Notes Details
Description of Business - Additional Information (Details)
Significant Accounting Policies (Details)
Acquisitions - Additional Information (Details)
Acquisitions - Summary of Estimated Fair Values of Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed as of Date of Acquisition (Details)
Acquisitions - Results of Operations Of Acquiree (Details)
Acquisitions - Purchase Price and Fair Value of Assets Acquired (Details)
Acquisitions - Supplemental Pro Forma Information (Details)
Acquisitions - Summary of Pro Forma Adjustments (Details)
Acquisitions - Loss on Settlement Of Contractual Preexisting Relationships (Details)
Significant New Business - 2020 Significant Business (Details)
Significant New Business - 2019 Significant Business (Details)
Significant New Business - 2018 Significant Business (Details)
Significant New Business - 2017 Significant Business (Details)
Divestitures, Held-For-Sale Businesses and Discontinued Operations - Additional Information (Details)
Investments - Asset Types (Details)
Investments - Contractual Maturities (Details)
Investments - Credit Ratings (Details)
Investments - Available-for-sale Portfolio (Details)
Investments - Gross Unrealized Losses (Details)
Investments - Other Than Temporary Impairment (Details)
Investments - Equity Securities (Details)
Investments - Other Investments, at Fair Value (Details)
Investments - Equity Method Investments (Details)
Investments - Funds Held (Details)
Investments - Net Investment Income (Details)
Investments - Net Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) (Details)
Investments - Restricted Assets (Details)
Derivatives and Hedging Instruments - Foreign Currency Hedging (Details)
Derivatives and Hedging Instruments - Foreign Currency Forward Contracts (Details)
Derivatives and Hedging Instruments - Investments in Call Options (Details)
Derivatives and Hedging Instruments - Other Derivatives (Details)
Reinsurance Balances Recoverable on Paid and Unpaid Losses - Summary of Reinsurance Reserves Recoverable (Details)
Reinsurance Balances Recoverable on Paid and Unpaid Losses - Additional Information (Details)
Reinsurance Balances Recoverable on Paid and Unpaid Losses - Top Ten Reinsurers (Details)
Reinsurance Balances Recoverable on Paid and Unpaid Losses - Provisions for Uncollectible Reinsurance Balances Recoverable by Rating of Reinsurer (Details)
Deferred Charge Assets (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Total Losses and Loss Adjustment Expense Liabilities (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Reconciliation of Beginning and Ending Reserves for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Net Incurred Losses and Loss Adjustment Expense Liabilities (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Additional Information (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Net Incurred Losses by Line of Business (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Breakdown of Gross and Net Losses and LAE Reserves by Major Category (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Net Loss Reserves By Acquisition And Year (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Reconciliation Of Net Incurred Losses Prior To Provision For Bad Debt (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Loss Triangles (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Average Annual Duration of Claims (Details)
Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Reconciliation of Incurred and Paid Loss Development (Details)
Defendant Asbestos and Environmental Liabilities - Liability for Asbestos and Liability Claims (Details)
Defendant Asbestos and Environmental Liabilities - Reconciliation (Details)
Defendant Asbestos and Environmental Liabilities - Additional Information (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Categorized Investments and Assets Carried at Cost or Amortized Cost and Fair Value Among Levels (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Reconciliation for Investments Measured At Fair Value on Recurring Basis Level 3 (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Valuation Techniques and Inputs (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Insurance Contracts - Fair Value Option (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Quantitative Information (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Fair Values for Financial Instruments Carried At Cost (Details)
Premiums Written and Earned - Schedule of Net Premiums Written and Earned (Details)
Premiums Written and Earned - Additional Information (Details)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets- Schedule of Goodwill, Intangible Assets (Details)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets - Goodwill (Details)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets - Intangible Assets (Details)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets - Summary of Gross Carrying Value, Accumulated Amortization and Net Carrying Value of Intangible Assets (Details)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets - Summary of Estimated Amortization Expense of Intangible Assets (Details)
Debt Obligations and Credit Facilities - Amounts of Outstanding Debt and Accrued Interest (Details)
Debt Obligations and Credit Facilities - Senior Notes (Details)
Debt Obligations and Credit Facilities - EGL Revolving Credit Facility (Details)
Debt Obligations and Credit Facilities - EGL Term Loan Facilities (Details)
Debt Obligations and Credit Facilities - Unsecured Letters of Credit (Details)
Noncontrolling Interest - Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest (Details)
Noncontrolling Interest - Noncontrolling Interest (Details)
Share Capital - Voting Ordinary Shares (Details)
Share Capital - Non-Voting Shares (Details)
Share Capital - Warrants (Details)
Share Capital - Preferred Shares (Details)
Share Capital - Dividends on Preferred Shares (Details)
Earnings Per Share - Comparison of Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share (Details)
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions - Compensation Costs for Share-based Compensation Plans (Details)
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions - Restricted Shares and Restricted Share Units (Details)
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions - Performance Share Units (Details)
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions - Cash-Settled Stock Appreciation Rights (Detail)
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions - Joint Share Ownership Plan (Details)
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions - Other Share-Based Compensation Plans (Details)
Share-Based Compensation and Pensions - Pension Plans (Detail)
Income Taxation - Additional Information (Detail)
Income Taxation - Earnings before Income Taxes (Detail)
Income Taxation - Tax Expense for Income Taxes (Detail)
Income Taxation - Reconciliation of Earnings before Income Taxes Computed by Applying Effective Rate (Detail)
Income Taxation - Components of Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities (Detail)
Income Taxation - Deferred Tax Ending Balance (Details)
Income Taxation - Net Operating Loss Carryforwards (Details)
Related Party Transactions - Stone Point Capital LLC (Details)
Related Party Transactions - KaylaRe (Details)
Related Party Transactions - Hillhouse (Details)
Related Party Transactions - Monument (Details)
Related Party Transactions - Clear Spring (Details)
Related Party Transactions - AmTrust (Details)
Related Party Transactions - Citco (Details)
Related Party Transactions - EnhanzedRe (Details)
Dividend Restrictions and Statutory Financial Information - Parent Company Dividends (Details)
Dividend Restrictions and Statutory Financial Information - Subsidiary Statutory Financial Information (Details)
Dividend Restrictions and Statutory Financial Information - Subsidiary Statutory Narrative (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Additional Information (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Leases - Lease Cost (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Leases - Cash Flow Information (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Leases - Balance Sheet Information (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Leases - Lease Terms (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Leases - Operating Lease Liabilities (Details)
Segment Information - Additional Information (Details)
Segment Information - Summary of Operations by Segment (Details)
Segment Information - Gross Premiums Written by Geographical Area (Details)
Segment Information - Summary of Company's Assets by Segment (Details)
Unaudited Condensed Quarterly Financial Data (Details)
Schedule I - Summary of Investments Other Than Investments in Related Parties (Detail)
Schedule II - Condensed Balance Sheets (Details)
Schedule II - Condensed Statements of Earnings (Details)
Schedule II - Comprehensive Income (Details)
Schedule II - Condensed Statements of Cash Flows (Details)
Schedule II - Narrative (Details)
Schedule III - Supplementary Insurance Information (Details)
Schedule IV - Reinsurance (Details)
Schedule V - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Details)
Schedule VI - Supplementary Information Concerning Property/Casualty Insurance Operations (Details)
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